First charms and new areas!

Just a quick write-up with what we have been up to lately!
Posted by Aron Kramer on 2017-10-28


In this post, we'd just like to take a chance to write up a simple post chatting a bit about our progress on certain things in the game. For one, we can show you some new moves and for two, we have a new area that will certainly get your Christmas spirit pulsing. How is everyone doing?

The first charms

We talked about how you can equip certain charms found throughout the world to gain new abilities, and we can now showcase the first one of those abilities for you. While some are active moves, others are passives (like increased damage when health is low) so it's hard to show you those .. nevertheless, we hope you enjoy this screenshot of the dash!

The dash will be used to bypass certain obstacles and blended in with solving puzzles. We already have some nice ideas going for a few of them. As you can see, the area in the screenshot is also new. We'd like to take this chance to introduce you to Icepeak Mountains, a snowy winter wonderland filled with hidden gems and rocks to hit. It will lead up to Tinkerton, a dwarfen village kissed by snow.

Other screenshots

Speaking of towns, Ivystone Ridge is starting to fill up quite nicely as well. We now have a local town shop NPC where you can store your money and buy ammo and upgrades, the bank in particular will be key when playing Cathedral as you will lose 10% of all your money when you die .. and you will die .. a lot. Also, have you met our new librarian yet? Books will be another collectible in the game, and they will give you a bit of lore about the place you found it!

Oh, and how about a sneak peek at one of our newest dungeons - Necromancer's Den?

Or maybe you'd like to see a little of our new entrance to Bone Church? Our Graveyard has been updated on graphics, and with a new quest to boot you will have to gain the trust of the dead to enter the Church!

Closing words

We are currently working very hard towards release, and can't wait to reveal a new trailer for you guy soon. There is so much more we've been working on that we want to show you, but not just yet! We hope you've enjoyed this update and please don't hesitate to ever shoot us a message about anything. Be it beer, something nice you ate or perhaps something Cathedral related!

All for now,

Aron // CCO Decemberborn Interactive

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